Weir River Watershed Association Directory of Publications
Weir River Streamflow - USGS Realtime Gaging Station at Leavitt Street
Smelt Habitat Restoration Plan downstream of Foundry Pond Dam
GZA Report on Water Withdrawal Impacts to the Watershed
Executive Summary of GZA Report on Water Withdrawal Impacts
State Reclassification of Weir River Basin to "Stressed" Basin due to petition of WRWA - 2005
Boston Harbor Watershed Action Plan 2004 (includes Weir River Basin)
Boston Harbor Assessment (includes Weir River Basin)
Weir River Estuary Natural Resources Report
Weir River Estuary Park Land Protection Plan (note this plan was revised in May of 2006)
Paddling Guide to Weir River Estuary page 1
Paddling Guide to Weir River Estuary Park page 2
Weir River Watershed Position on Foundry Pond - Restoring the River
Weir River Fish Part 1 Published in the Hingham Mariner Fall 2010
Weir River Fish Part 2 published in the Hingham Mariner Fall 2010